RC Career Institute
SINCE 2009
Student Spotlight
(Recognizing students who have achieved academic & Career success)

Errol Jatan
(Business Administration & Computerized Bookkeeping Professional Graduate)
RCCI recognizes Errol Jatan. Errol maintained straight A's and his spot on the Directors List during his entire time at RCCI.
Errol has B.S. in Computer Science and completed a course with us through the Jersey City Employment & Training Program. Errols drive, intelligence, and attention to detail helped him in landing a job at Citi as Associate Security Processing Analyst II.
RCCI, could not be prouder of his success and wishes him the best of luck in all his future endeavors. He's an inspiration to us all.

Jesus Barzola
(IT Network Professional Graduate)
Jesus came to RCCI to take our IT Network Pro course and he did exceptional...he seemed like a pro when things were placed in front of him and that is exactly why out of 100s of applicants he was hired as a Supervisor with AHOLD an E-commerce company that just opened in Jersey City, I knew Jesus was sure to impress any employer he interviewed with because he impressed us as a student.
Jesus continues his success with AHOLD and RCCI couldn't be any prouder. He is a great example of what we want to represent our institution because he always shows up with his A game. Congrats Jesus, we hope you continue to succeed and continue to be the best and produce only the best results in any thing you set your mind to.

Fabian Soriano
(Business Administration & Computerized Bookkeeping Professional Graduate)
Fabian Soriano enrolled in RC Career Institute’s Business Admin & Computerized Bookkeeping Pro course in June after being unemployed for a year.
From the day Fabian began he was determined to seek employment. Fabian was a good student who came from working in the Accounts Payable field for over 10 yrs.
RCCI had no doubt Fabian would find employment as soon as he did because he grasp everything very quickly, he was very personable and he definitely was not a quitter. So we did not expect anything less when- he had 2 companies competing to hire him and on 10/8/14 Fabian began his new career at Jimmy Choo as an Accounts Payable Specialist utilizing what he learned with us. RCCI congratulates you and we are so very proud of you!

Karen Agila- Coello
(Business Administration & Computerized Bookkeeping Pro Graduate)
Karen came to us from the banking industry (Bank of America Corp. Office)
Karen joined our Business Admin course and impressed from the time she sat in her seat and began her first course all the way to her last day here. There was not one thing that was given to her that she didnt pick up as if she was a pro at it. (This included applications had never worked in before) She received A's in every course she took.
Karen interviewed with Corporate Resource Services and applied for a job in a Payroll Dept. not having any previous experience Karen landed the job. She surely must've impressed the company as much as she impressed us. She is a prime example of someone who chose to change careers and was able to succeed. She was able to take everything she learned and apply it to getting her foot in the door of the future career she wanted in bookkeeping.
Her future goal is to go back to school to pursue her degree in Accounting and we wish her the best of luck because we know you will be successful.
She was not a quitter and should inspire you to follow your dreams!!